What do you know about Proteus?


PROTUES combines advanced schematic capture, mixed mode SPICE simulation, PCB layout and autorouting to make a complete electronic design system.
The PROTUES product range also includes our revolutionary VSM technology, which allow you to simulate micro-controller based design, complete with all the surrounding electronic.
Basically PROTEUS is also a simulating software but it helps you attach many components with the 8051. Like resistors, capacitors, LEDs, LCDs, keypads, ICs etc. and these are just few that I have named in general. It has a complete library and you will find everything that you will ever need. You can design your complete circuit and then simulate it to view the final output. This means that after perfecting your project on the programming side in KEIL, you'll need to simulate it on PROTEUS to determine the output of the hardware components and change it if need be.
Proteus is a best simulation software for various designs with microcontroller. It is mainly popular because of availability of almost all microcontrollers in it. So it is a handy tool to test programs and embedded designs for electronicshobbyist. You can simulate your programming of microcontroller in Proteus Simulation Software.
Proteus has a wide range of components in its database. Using these components you can design almost any kind of circuit and can test and debug it. Below tutorials mention few of these components, which are most commonly used while working on Proteus.
PIC Microcontroller is another microcontroller which is used by engineers in engineering projects. This microcontroller is available in Proteus
Proteus has a wide range of sensors available in its database.
555 timer is used in a lot of electronics projects where you need to ddo control or generate some timing or PWM pulse. 555 Timer is available in Proteus
Proteus not only provide the capability of circuit designing and testing but also provide the facility of designing a PCB. Proteus comes with two packages one is named as Proteus ISIS in which we design our circuits and the other one is Proteus ARES which is used for PCB designing.
First design your circuit in Proteus ISIS
 After you got sure that your circuit is perfect and ready for designing, then click on the Tools and then Netlist to ARES
Now in Proteus ARES, select the block option from left toolbar and also make sure that you selected Board Edge in the below drop down menu
Now make a rectangular block in the workspace, this block is actually the boundary of your PCB.
You can set its proper dimensions and can also re-size it manually using the mouse.
 Now select the component option from the left toolbar, it will show all the components used in your circuit.
Place all these components in the workspace one by one as shown below. These green lines shown in the below image is actually the software intelligence.
Using the circuit, it gives us the routes automatically and we don’t need to panic any more just need to follow these route, if we are doing manually routing.
To do auto routing, click on Tools and then Auto Router and a property box will open where you can set many different option for routing like the width of route and the PCB layers etc.

After selecting your properties just click on Begin Routing.


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